We love green fuels
Green energy and sustainable fuels are important to achieve the transition away from fossil resources and play an essential role in the national and international climate goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Here at XFuels GmbH we are fully committed to the climate goals and will help to achieve zero net carbon emissions with our leading Power-to-X (PtX) plant solutions – that’s where the X is coming from.
In the coming time we at XFuels GmbH will focus on transport and industry sectors difficult to decarbonize such as aviation by:
- developing projects and operating PtX demonstration plants as show case and to de-risk new technology;
- creating commercial PtX business models with proven technologies that underpin value chains and secure the green value of PtX products.
With XFuels GmbH zero net carbon emissions become reality.

Our HyKero project
With HyKero we are the first to produce sustainable synthetic aviation fuel on commercial scale with PtX.
The HyKero plant will generate 50,000 tons per year of green kerosene plus additional green naphtha and green hydrogen. The HyKero process emits zero carbon dioxide resulting in unbeaten environmental excellence.

Sustainability for transport and other industry sectors
Our PtX plants allow the emission free production of a wide variety of sustainable PtX products.
Not only the aviation industry can be transformed to zero net carbon emission.
Sustainable diesel fuel, hydrogen and even base chemicals such as naphtha and waxes help transport and other industry sectors on their way to carbon neutrality.
Contact us now to discuss the possibilities.